Shot Darts.

New dartboard?
So what would u do buy new dartboard or buy a the same dartboard new?
Was thinking of Unicorn Pro HD TRAINER?

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i always used eclipse pro or pro HD boards but i now have the winmau dual core and in my humble opinion it is streets ahead of the HD. it is lasting fantastically well (unlike the HD) and the rota lock system is great. If they are using the new ink from the dual core on the standard blade 4 then that will be a fantastic board too. also i know many on here love the gladiator 2 board from One80.
Darts: 22g RD Phantom 
Flight System: Winmau Fusion / Target K-Flex No.2

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yeah a B4dc or G2
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Me I would go with what is good for me. I also like to change things up so I would go to a G2. I love the B4 I have and I would definitely get one again but as I said I like to change things up. I wonder if they have the gold G2 I seen around here?
For an eclipse, that looks like it has plenty of life left in it. They get peppered like that quickly, but hold up well.

Keeping dart retailers in business since 2012.
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Another vote for the dual core, great board. Have heard good things about the bulls advantage 3 too
180's: 67
Best 501: 17 (webcam darts) 15 (practice)
Best Finish: 130 (webcam darts) 160 (practice)
Winmau Ted Hankey 24g
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I loved my old Blade 4 it lasted 18 month's 1-2 hours a day, did not rate the Blade 4 dual core but I do believe that the one I got from Argos was substandard as I had endless "drop-outs" with it.
Now I have the Gladiator 2 and to be totally open It is so far it is by far my favourite, bright colours, razor thin wires, great spider with no signs of any movement and it grips like a vice. first rate.
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Current Board 
 Gladiator 3+ with Corona Surround and Unicorn number ring
Modified Unicorn Striker with RD medium sparkle stems, Raw flights, Voks 30mm points and Target titanium stem rings   

Playing 40 years on and off and still barely average
I have tried a few different boards and still own a Nodor Supamatch 2, Target Pro Tour, Eclipse HD and an Alien (Basically a Bulls/Puma board). Out of those I would say the Alien is by far the best as far as wear goes. I throw my darts fairly hard for the most part and find the other boards mark up fairly quick but the Alien seems to be taking a beating with no significant damage compared to the others. To be honest the spider on the Alien is sub-par compared to some of the others but I can deal with that if it's going to last twice as long and at this rate it will easily do that.
I have not tried the G2 though so I can't comment on it.
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That board actually doesn't look all that bad. Go to the store and get yourself a few different permanent markers. A couple black ones, a red one, and a green one. Take your time and color in the board with the markers. It's a cheap way to restore a board and I do it all the time. I have a feeling you can make the black segments look pretty good again.
Here's a really quick example of my board as it was hanging on the wall. I did the bull/25 and the 7 segment. A gave it a REALLY quick going over.


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