Members Code of Conduct
In order to have a community where everyone can feel at ease and comfortable, the following Code of Conduct applies to every member of the Forum. These rules may be changed by Administration if deemed necessary.
These rules apply to the Threads,posts and the Shout or chat box.
The Golden Rule
"Post unto others, as you would have them post unto you"... In other words, think about what you are saying and what you have typed before hitting the Enter Key.
Be respectful of your fellow members!
Code of Conduct
Flaming or harassing or threatening another member is not allowed nor will it be tolerated.
If your kidding make sure you use Guests cannot see images in the messages. Please register at the forum by clicking here to see images.Guests cannot see images in the messages. Please register at the forum by clicking here to see images. or other smilies to indicate its a joke.
Profanity is not permitted, everybody slips once in a while... The occasional "hell", "damn", "ass" etc... are fine, just not every other word of each post.
Spamming not allowed.
Posting of links to Pornographic sites is not permitted. Posting of pornographic or overtly sexual images is not acceptable.
Screen names, avatars, links of an offensive or suggestive nature will not be tolerated and may be
removed at Administrators discretion.
Racism will not be tolerated,
Sexism will not be tolerated,
Religious attacks will not be tolerated
NOTE: The "Three Strikes System" is only one out of any number of responses the Darts Nutz moderators may take in addressing inappropriate behavior. Depending on the situation, response CAN range from a simple, friendly warning, to a summary permanent ban from the Dartsnutz Forum. As a member of the DartsNutz Forum, we expect everyone to behave responsibly, with maturity and due consideration for the other members of the DartsNutz Community. If a member exhibits either a pattern of misbehavior, or the willful disregard of the DartsNutz Forum, the Rules, or disrespect towards our moderators, then that member will be summarily banned from the DartsNutz Forum.
* Anyone abusing the freedom of the forum will be warned about their conduct - if said member continues to abuse the good will and nature of the forum they will be banned. *
Members please read and refer to from time to time as there may be changes. Enjoy the Family Forum of DartsNutz !