Logitech C525 is what I have. But keep in mind, a webcam, no matter how good only plays a small role in the overall quality of what your opponents will see. Lighting is VERY important as shadows are the WORST thing for online darts. So make sure you have lighting that doesn't cast any shadows.
Also, try to have a nice cam position. Placing the webcam overhead or down below is rubbish!!! Try to keep a natural angle that we are used to seeing on the tele. Dead center or slightly above the bull level (5'8) and to the left or right of the board.
There's also no sense in buying a really nice webcam if your computer is junk. It won't be able to process the image as well. So get a webcam that is comparable to your computer. From everything I've seen and heard the single best cam going for online darts is the Logitech C270. It offers a clear pic and doesn't require a massive computer to keep up with the Google Hangout. But if your computer is really nice, go for the better Logitech cam like a C525 or higher.
Important note... turn
OFF auto focus!!! You don't need it for online play. It just creates a blurred image for the opponent to see.
1. Lighting - no shadows!
2. Cam position - center right of left - no overhead views
3. Auto focus off!
4. Emphasis on all aspects here. Don't worry about just a webcam. I've seen great cams that produce a terrible quality.
5. Rock big averages
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