Condor Darts.

Approaching 70 years old and my darts
Are declining a bit. I no longer can put the time on the board like I use to. I still win more than I lose and an occasional old time leg or two that brings a smile to my face. Example shot 24 darts at the bull yesterday and hit 13. That was a shocker for me as I was much better in the past.
Well Time waits for no man but will still play as long as I can.
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Keep at it. Never too old to play darts Guests cannot see images in the messages. Please register at the forum by clicking here to see images.
keep going man!!!
cy's fave distance oche is always avail :p
Play like it means nothing when it means everything

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Chin up, Old Man.... As long as you've still got the Fire, and you have... Happy days.

Darts to the End, Chum. You know it.
24 tries on bulls hitting 13?

Not bad! Really. . .not bad!
Well Larry, I am 40, me eyesight is fading fast, had tennis elbow for past 12 months and got trigger finger in me ring and little finger on me throwing hand - I am a shadow of me former self but for some reason I keep tipping up to darts on a Wednesday and giving me all - basically because win, lose or draw I love throwing darts.

Frustrating as hell some weeks but the more I dwell on how I used to throw compared to now, the more I think of jacking it in all together - so I just go out, sink a few beers and throw best I can - love it that way Guests cannot see images in the messages. Please register at the forum by clicking here to see images.

I reckon there is a fair chance I'll be in a wooden overcoat before I am 70 so enjoy every game like it is your last Guests cannot see images in the messages. Please register at the forum by clicking here to see images.
Yep, thanks guys.
Hey Larry you're a little ahead of me on the calendar but by far you've got a world of good times ahead still at the oche.
I used to be tops on the cycling circle now I'm happy to throw me leg over the bars and get out when I can. Beats the alternative I say. And thanks for sharing 13 bulls? Got a lot of us beat on that one
Kind words my friend.
Just try to watch how Grip plays - and you will feel so young!
I still think I can take Darren LOL
Hey bud, I'm not too far behind and will hit 63 in a couple months. I too don't stand at the oche as long as I once did-----well, maybe I do, but I don't get as many darts thrown. LOL

Like you, I've noticed a decline in my consistency/accuracy that happens from less practice time, but, also like you, I can still put together a few games that make me remember why I've been at this game for so long. It's a pretty nice feeling to beat some of the young turks that are playing the game at a pretty high level and show them the "old man" still has some game left. And I'm sure you're getting your licks in whenever you can. I bet you're the guy to beat at the lodge.

Oh, and quit complaining about ONLY 13 bulls out of 24 shots, I feel bad enough already. Keep at it bud. I think I'll continue to play until I start having senior moments and bouts of CRS (Can't Remember Sh-t) and forget why I'm standing at the oche and unzip my pants and piss on the rubber floor mat.
That's a damn good reason to not use the rubber mats and start preparing for the senior moments when you think that's what they use them for and forget about the darts
I'm 49 and I wouldn't play you for money.
Ahhh, yes... “The indignities of old age”... I’m also on the doorstep of 70, my vision is sh*t compared to what it was back when I could still see, my hearing is even poorer and I’m suffering from terminal CRS (Can’t Remember Sh*t) Syndrome. Worst of all, I’ve developed a case of Terminal Turkey Neck, so I’ve been forced to grow my beard long to hide the horrendous wattles, folds, wrinkles and other neck deformities that scare my grandchildren.

Welcome to the club! Above all else, always remember one thing--- When all else fails, there’s always soft-tip darts, because bounce-outs still count there and you don’t have to keep score any more!

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