Yesterday I switched grip - completely. I used to rest my middle finger at the top front of the barrel, while gripping the rear with index finger and thumb. Seems that middle finger made my darts drift to the left instead of stabilising it (at least that's what I always thought). So I moved it, making the barrel rest on top of it - looks like a Phil Taylor'ish grip to me, and much more like I'd hold a pen.
At first I thought "the darts will never land straight, haha" - but to my surprise, they do. A bit of wrist twist does the trick. Even the elbow is straight, and the follow through feels nice. Granted, it's nowhere near perfect, but I manged to hit a few tons, 2 out of 3 doubles/trebles and so on.
I never thought I could throw this way, and yet it feels like I can hammer the dart properly towards my target. Need to throw a few more to get the confidence up. Picture may follow later as I come back from team training.
At first I thought "the darts will never land straight, haha" - but to my surprise, they do. A bit of wrist twist does the trick. Even the elbow is straight, and the follow through feels nice. Granted, it's nowhere near perfect, but I manged to hit a few tons, 2 out of 3 doubles/trebles and so on.
I never thought I could throw this way, and yet it feels like I can hammer the dart properly towards my target. Need to throw a few more to get the confidence up. Picture may follow later as I come back from team training.